Why Changing Your Bed and Mattress Matters - 7 Years

The 7-Year Sleep Cycle: Why Changing Your Bed and Mattress Matters

In the fast-paced world of modern living, quality sleep has become a precious commodity. Just as we service our cars or replace worn-out household items, our beds – the very heart of our nightly rest – require attention and periodic updating. The widely endorsed advice from sleep experts is to consider changing your bed and mattress every 7 years. But why is this 7-year mark so pivotal?

Why Every 7 Years?

1. Mattress Wear and Tear:
Over time, even the highest-quality mattresses and beds endure wear. The consistent weight and nightly movements gradually erode the bed's structure and the mattress's supportive features. After 7 years, many mattresses begin to sag, losing their shape and more importantly their supportive characteristics.

2. Hygiene Concerns:
With years of accumulated sweat, dead skin cells, and dust mites, older mattresses can become a breeding ground for allergens. Even with regular cleaning, after 7 years, your mattress might be home to a host of unwanted residents that could affect respiratory health.

3. Technological Advancements:
Bed and mattress technology have made significant leaps over the years. By updating every 7 years, you ensure you're benefitting from the latest advancements in sleep technology for a better nights sleep.

4. Most Disregarded - Changing Body Needs:
As we age, our body's needs change. The mattress that once felt like a cloud might not offer the support your body requires seven years on. Regularly updating ensures your bed aligns with your evolving physical needs.

Beds Craft: A Beacon of British Craftsmanship

When the time comes to choose a new bed and mattress, it's paramount to select a brand synonymous with quality, trust, and craftsmanship. Enter Beds Craft, the leading British bespoke bed manufacturer.

Why Choose Beds Craft?

1. Bespoke Design: With Beds Craft, you're not just choosing a bed; you're curating an experience. Our bespoke service allows for personalisation, ensuring your bed matches your unique style and requirements.

2. British Craftsmanship: In a world dominated by mass production, Beds Craft stands as a testament to traditional British craftsmanship. Every bed and mattress is meticulously handcrafted in England, ensuring unparalleled quality.

3. Variety and Choice: From contemporary designs to classic aesthetics, Beds Craft offers an extensive range, ensuring there's something for every taste. Plus, with their dedication to innovation, you're always guaranteed a product that's ahead of the curve.

4. Durability: A bed is an investment, not just in terms of money but also in terms of health and comfort. Beds Craft, with its commitment to quality materials and craftsmanship, ensures every bed stands the test of time.

Points to Ponder When Making the Change

1. Assess Your Needs: Before diving into the purchase, evaluate what you're looking for in a bed. Do you need firmer support? Perhaps you're looking for something softer? Factor in your sleep habits, body type, and any health considerations.

2. Size Matters: Over the years, you might move to a bigger home or perhaps your family grows. This could be an opportunity to re-evaluate the size of your bed.

3. Budget Accordingly: Good quality doesn't always equate to exorbitant prices. Set a reasonable budget but be prepared to see it as an investment in your health and well-being.

4. Consider Sustainability: In the age of eco-conscious living, opt for brands, like Beds Craft, that focus on sustainable materials and practices.


A good night's sleep is one of life's simplest yet profound pleasures. The bed and mattress you choose play an instrumental role in this. As we cross the 7-year mark with our current beds, it's worth reflecting on the myriad benefits of making a change, not only for our sleep but for our overall well-being.

Remember, with choices like Beds Craft, you're not just investing in a product but in a legacy of British craftsmanship, ensuring night after night of restful, rejuvenating sleep. Cheers to fresh beginnings and dream-filled nights!